Sunday 29 November 2015

The Decision Making Process of Buying a new Phone

I have had the same cell phone for a little over three years now and I’ve been looking at new phones for a few months now. My current I phone 5 has served me well but it has become out dated and I am having problems with the battery. I’ve had problems charging the phone since September and I already purchased a replacement cord, which worked at first but is now proved to be unsuccessful. A new phone is a big purchase for me and I honestly would still keep my I phone 5 if it still worked well. Regardless,
The iPhone 6. My Product choice

I realized that I needed a new phone and I started an information search in October. Buying a phone is a bit of a complex situation because it is not only the model of phone but also the provider and plan you choose to accompany your mobile needs. Initially, I researched the I phone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy edge. Apple is in my evoked set because I use an apple computer and I like being able to sync my apple devices together. It makes my life a little easier. The Samsung Galaxy edge looked pretty cool but I felt unready to switch to an android device.

Because of my brand loyalty and current technology use, I decided that the I phone 6 would be my product choice. I chose this phone because it was sleek, stylish and it was virtually similar to my previous I phone. It operated in a similar way but it had some updated technology such as a finger pad sensor that makes it easier to unlock the phone without typing my password. It is also more secure and I don’t have to worry so much about theft or someone accessing my personal information.

I am generally cheap so I decided to wait until Black Friday to actually purchase the phone. I knew what I was getting for sure in Mid November so I figured waiting for an extra week would pay off and perhaps I might get a better deal. Fortunately for me, I was right. On Black Friday, all the networks and stores were selling I Phone 6’s at a steep discount to liquidate the previous year models. I was able to purchase my Phone for about $150 less at Best Buy by waiting.

I learned a few things from my previous experience purchasing a new phone. I learned not to purchase apple care or an extended store warranty. I always take good care of my electronics and its not commonly mentioned by my phone has a automatic 1 year limited warranty.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on an awesome looking blog Johannes. I agree with you. I had recently purchased an iPhone 6 because of my good experiences with existing models of the phone. I find it hard for me to switch to an android with having most of my friends using iMessage and what not. I certainly have considered a Samsung or a Nokia, but am like you and tend to gravitate towards the iPhone's. Once again, great looking blog and I know you will do excellent on this assignment!
